Sunday, July 29, 2012

Light Painting

Photography fun doesn't have to stop when the sun's gone. Grab a sparkler, flashlight, or lighter and you can create luminous, dreamy light shows. Granted that I'm fairly a greenhorn (these pictures definitely could have been clearer), I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out!

Here's the recipe I did with my dSLR: set ISO high (anywhere above 2000), my f/stop was at 11, and my shutter speed varied anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds. I know I probably could have used lower ISO, but it was practically pitch black besides the porchlight, and I'm new to this whole manual photography thing. I should have seen what I could have gotten with a lower f/stop, too, but hey, this was my first time! I think my shots turned out pretty cool for an amateur. Oh, and check out Viktoria's blog Sable to see my "tripod".

For writing in the pictures, write the word from right to left while making sure you write the letters backwards. Basically your camera is like a mirror, so practice a few times drawing out the mirror-image of letters before you take them. You can always lengthen how long the shutter stays open, so there's no need to rush. This technique may take a few practice takes before you get it, but the results are worth it!

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