Friday, June 1, 2012

Moving... and Kittens!

Ok, so everyone knows moving sucks more than pulling teeth (dental joke fully intended).

And moving sucks even more when you're preparing for an eight and a half hour long exam that is this Tuesday because it is the biggest distraction in the world! I can usually sit for hours and hours and study, but the fact that my apartment needed cleaning and was in boxes was a big distraction. And now that I'm all happy and settled in the new place, there is still TONS to do. Luckily my mother came for a few days to unpack some boxes, set up my kitchen, and clean, which was a huge relief. Regardless, this move really impacted my studying ability. I think I'll pass, but I just cannot wait for 2 months of no studying and relaxation.

In any case, there are so many perks to the new place. And a real kitchen is one of them, especially a working gas oven (which means no more half raw / half burnt lopsided cupcakes and baked goods). You know what, I think electric ovens might actually be worse than moving.

And now for your viewing pleasure, my first successful muffin in over a year due to the fact that I now have a real oven:

Banana Muffins with oven-toasted walnuts, banana chips, and Nutella frosting

The muffin was a box mix, but shh, we won't tell anybody because I dolled it up nicely.

Oh, and we have some adorable visitors that are living under out next-door neighbor's porch that keep the mice at bay. Say hello to Little Gray, Runt, and Blackie as I affectionately call them.

(If I give them real names, I swear I'll want to keep them more than I already do).

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