Friday, May 11, 2012

In Progress - 22. Graduate Dental School

So the first part of this goal started a loooooooooong time ago. I'm the daughter of a dentist, so I kind of always had the idea in my head. Unfortunately, around the time I was ready to apply (after working my butt off in high school and college), everybody else was! Seriously, dental schools closed during the nineties, and now suddenly there was a big surge to apply just when I'm ready to start the process? Awesome.

And despite my stress, you know how that story ends.

(I got in)

(Oh, and while we're here, shameless plug for my Dad. He's a pretty cool guy.)

Image ©SIU SDM

I was even in my school's newsletter: "Stephanie Grider receives assistance with her white coat from Dr. Dean Drake, an SIU SDM faculty member and an alumnus of the Class of 1975." To be honest, I'm pretty sure I needed assistance because I do look like I'm about as coordinated as a zombie in this picture - or maybe I'm about to hug an imaginary person. Oh, by the way, this was taken at my class' White Coat Ceremony. We receive our lab jackets to signify our entrance in to a professional medical field.

Yeah, we're totally the cool kids. Image ©SIU SDM

In any case, I knew school would be a challenge, and it has forced me to work harder than I ever have. The sheer number of tests and practicals is incredible, but hey, I survived my first year. Only three (gulp) to go. 

Move, bush, get out the way

I don't always love school, but I still love my school. Especially since it's a small campus, which I what I prefer. Even my undergrad was a small liberal arts college.

My mom and I are 5"3' and 5"1', FYI. And yes, he almost doubles me.

Oh, and my school kind of has a neat little thing about it. It's a former local college and the tallest recorded man ever went there since it was in his home town (Robert Wadlow).

So while this goal is an ongoing one, it bludgeons me over the head with the maxim that it's not always about reaching the destination, sometimes it's the journey. Now, I only have one 8 and 1/2 hour exam standing in between me and my last obligation-free summer. Board exams, here we come!

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